Our first full-curriculum Omni Tale — TIME STOWAWAYS

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On a Caribbean cruise meant for adults only, the lives of three children and two teenagers collide. Will the young ones be found or the older ones found out?! It's sure to be the brig for them, or worse, if the hard-nosed Cruise Constable has his way. This madcap romp on the high seas takes the group of five "shouldn't-be-theres" to places none could have imagined, and it forges friendships as deep as the ocean.

At nearly 22K words, Time Stowaways provides readers a full story arc at a length that allows for ready recall and connection with previous chapters. And as with all Omni Tales, embedded links throughout the novella make for a uniquely interactive and personal experience. 

To get parents and family members on board, we've created a 36-day Advent{ure} Calendar with action prompts that apply to children and adults alike. And for the ultimate Omnimmersive Learning Experience, we've put together a comprehensive 12-lesson curriculum together with a delightfully detailed Teachizz™ Edition of the book as well as author narrations.

The Omni Difference
[2:52 mins]

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Via Zelle to OmniOcademy@gmail.com

Digital Story PDF + Family Advent{ure} Calendar
Via Zelle to OmniOcademy@gmail.com

Digital Story PDF + Family Advent{ure} Calendar 
+ Paperback gifted in your name to a Little Free Library or Book Box
Via Zelle to OmniOcademy@gmail.com 

Digital Story PDF + Family Advent{ure} Calendar 
+ 12 Omnimmersive chapter lessons
+ Teachizz edition 
+ Author Narrations
Via Zelle to OmniOcademy@gmail.com 

Digital Story PDF + Family Advent{ure} Calendar 
+ Help us offer In-Person Classes in our community
Via Zelle to OmniOcademy@gmail.com

IMMERSIVE SURPRISES KIT $45 + $18 shipping = $63
Make the reading experience come alive with tangible gifts curated from the story!
ships April 1
Via Zelle to OmniOcademy@gmail.com

Via Zelle to OmniOcademy@gmail.com

$10 - Gift a paperback in your name to a Little Free Library
Name of book Book Inscription (from you)

$39 - 10 Voxer real-time text exchanges with family success coach Heather Brims, Ed.S, CPC, ELI-MP

$985 Fathoms 1-hour group Q&A calls (use anytime)

$120 - Turbocharge Your Child's Education (online self-study training)

$125 - Omnimmersive Learning 101 (online self-study training)

$175 - Everything Is an Adventure (online self-study training)
Once you've ordered the combination kit that's right for you, 
we will email you the links to your digital content on MARCH 8, 2025. 
If you want us to use a different email address than the one associated with your PayPal account, please reach out to us at Genie@OmniOcademy.com

Look forward to more escapades with Frankie & Finn, a pair of school kids who seem to find trouble and mischief wherever they go.